Abdillah Naufal

Jangan Lupa Follow Sosial Aku Yaa

Hello, my name is

Abdillah Naufal Lesmana

I'm a
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About Me

Halo Semuanya

Saya Abdillah Naufal Lesmana lahir di kota Jakarta dan sekarang berdomisili di kota Bogor. Saya adalah seorang pelajar di IDN Boarding School Bogor, Jawa Barat. Saya berusia 15 tahun, masih muda kan hehe, dan saya fokus untuk berkarir di bidang keahlian IT Web Development dan Android Development.
Saya senang memiliki banyak teman karena itu jangan lupa untuk saling menyapa.


My Skills








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Project Saya

yang saya buat

ANL Splash++

ANL Splash is a website like a mix between unsplash and pinterest, loads downloadable videos and images, which I create using javascript DOM to hold user posts.

Audi USA Website 2.0

Ini adalah website perusahaan Audi yang saya buat dengan menggunakan HTML CSS Javascript dan framework Bootstrap 5, disana terdapat penjelasan dari mobil ikonik dari Audi yaitu Audi R8, layanan dari Audi, dan juga Electric cars dari Audi USA.

MF Chat Bot

MF-ChatBot is a simple chatbot created using OpenAI's GPT-3 API. The chatbot is designed to engage in conversations with users and provide responses based on the input it receives. this Bot is really smart, you can ask whatever as you want

Laravel E-Commerce App

Luxspace is a sophisticated and feature-packed web application developed using the Laravel framework and Jetstream package. It serves as a comprehensive real estate platform, providing users with a seamless experience for browsing, searching, and managing property listings.

E Commerce Food App

This is an Application of Food web application that i made with VUE JS, you can buy something you'd like to buy here, there's cart also, and form for order and checkouts, this app is made by vuejs so the performance of the app is nice as f*

Optilife Website

This is a website that I created with 3 of my school friends. OptiLife is a health service that focuses on holistic health to improve the quality of life of patients. and this is the project we worked on for 4 days


laracamp is a learning training class website that I created using laravel9, this is the final website project of the class at buildwithangga, and contains quite complete features from oauth google to payment gateway.



ANL Has a good skill and experiences in his passion

~Elon Musk CEO of SpaceX

Contact Me

In Your Touch

Kalo kalian pengen mengetahui saya lebih lanjut bisa menghubungi kontak ini. Makasih lho kalo kita bisa saling support.

naufaldec07 @gmail.com
Bogor, Indonesia
+62 878 4395 1611
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